Product Declarations of Conformity
Declarations of Conformity (DOC) are documents which declare compliance with industry
standards and list the standards that the product complies with.
CE Certification Declarations
ISO 9001:2008
It is a standard that defines requirements for a quality business system. It is
a quality standard but its intent is to go beyond product quality and process quality
and address the overall quality of a business system. Cybex is certified to ISO
Cybex ISO
9001:2008 Certificate of Registration (pdf)
WEEE Recycling Certificate
The WEEE (Waste Electrical Electronic Equipment) Recycling Certificate is issued
under the EU WEEE Directive. The WEEE Directive sets measures for collecting waste
electrical and electronic equipment for recovery, recycling, and re-use. Cybex is
registered as a Producer.
Recycling Certificate (pdf)